"Fight for what’s in your heart 🤍 And Remember Who You Are."
My journey in acting/stunts has been one hell of a ride. Scary at times, I won’t lie.
It has challenged me to let go of limiting beliefs, to dive into the unknown without certainty, and most of all to stand in my integrity.
I once placed only importance on the tangible outcome, the gigs, and now realize what’s truly valuable, is who we become through it all…
The trials. The failures. The adversity. The temptation. The moments that push us to look deep within. To question the very thing we dream about, and ourselves.
Staying true to who we are, while fighting for our dreams is not always easy. (I’ve struggled at times in choosing between honouring a gig or my truth)
️To feel good in ourselves at the end of It all, no matter the outcome, is priceless.
For a while, I dreamed of being a series recurring who does her own fights on a Netflix vampire show. While this is dope, what matters most to me now is being true to who I am.
Whether an opportunity aligns for me to be on TV or not, I trust I’ll be led to projects that align with my values, and light me up. After all, we can always find a way do what we love.
Along the journey to pursuing our dreams, our faith, our patience, and integrity will be tested…
️Let these moments of adversity transform you into the resilient brave soul that you are.
Let it propel you towards your truth.
No matter the outcome, I’m forever grateful, for this journey has brought me closer to who I am...
Key lessons I’ve learned so far…
- Align rather than chase
- Create Your own opportunities
- Listen to your body
- Your art evolves as you evolve
- Failure = growth
- Strive for progress not perfection
- Not every opportunity is ‘right’ for you
- Be Kind To Yourself
- Have FUN & ENJOY the ride!
Most of all, remember who you are, through it all.
*Thank you to everyone I’ve crossed paths and created dope art with along this journey so far *
What sets your soul on fire?
Fight For That, Fight For You
You Deserve it
Peace & Much Love to you all!
Dare to be your dope self?
For your FREE dope self consultation, click the link below:
*For more dope content on the journey to being who you are;
Subscribe to my channel : https://bit.ly/3kA0PiT
& Journey with me, I'd love to connect ;
-----IG @thespiritualg_------https://bit.ly/3w2XbmJ
-----WEBSITE: christinethespiritualg.com
-----FB: facebook.com/TheSpiritualG
-----STUNT ACTRESS WEBSITE: iamchristinetrinh.com
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