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What up! On this page, I share with you my journey,
as well as dope insights on
self-discovery, self-growth & self-love,
to ultimately help you align with your dope self!
2 min read
How Do You Overcome "Shame"?
*If you've ever questioned your Sexuality, this video is for you. If you've ever felt shame, for what you feel, and ultimately for who...
2 min read
"Rejection" or Redirection?
Rejection used to be one of my biggest fears. Whether it was rejection after giving it my all, in an audition, for a job, anything art...
2 min read
How To Face Your Biggest Fears?
The answer: LOVE. In my previous video: "Feel In Grey", as terrified as I was, I came out, as *all* of me. As someone who is “bisexual”...
2 min read
Leap First, Life Will Follow
Dare to Leap First? If you're seeing this, it's your *confirmation* to take the leap first yo! 🖤 Often, we like to have everything...
1 min read
Do You. All Of You.
Why Limit Ourselves? Aren't You Tired Of Being Told "You Can Only Be One Thing"? ...We live in a society where we're often labeled,...
2 min read
How to Just Say F*ck it & Do It?
6 reasons to follow your dreams! If you've been feeling "Pulled" towards something, a person, a dream, but due to Fear or whatever...
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